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Namaz / Salat / Prayer | Meaning | Categories | Spiritual, Moral and Social Impacts


 In view of great importance of prayer, it is absolutely necessary that it is performed properly in the way it was performed and taught by Prophet (PBUH). It must be performed earnestly and humbly. Taharat! wudu is prerequisite for performance of salat rituals.

"Successful indeed are the believers who are humble in  their prayer"(Al-Mumnoon 23:1-2)

Different Categories /Types of Salah /Prayers (CSS 2018) 

Salah may be classified into four categories:

1. Fardh (obligatory) Prayers 

2. Wajib (semi-obligatory) Prayers

3. Sunnah Prayers 

4. Nafl (superogatry) Prayers

1. Fardh Prayers:

Fardh prayers are further classed as fard al-ayn (obligation of the self) and fard al-kifayah (obligation of sufficiency). The former are actions considered obligatory on individuals, for which the individual will be held to account if the actions are neglected. The latter are actions considered obligatory on the Muslim community at large, so that if some people within the community carry it out no Muslim is considered blameworthy, but if no one carries it out, all incur a collective punishment.

Fardh prayers are compulsory and obligatory, which are required to be offered without fail. The negligence in offering these prayers may invoke God's displeasure.

Fardh Namaz are following;

i. Five Prayers daily Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha

ii. Juma / Friday Congregation prayers 

Salat al-Jumu'ah is a congregational prayer on Friday, which replaces the Zuhr prayer. It is compulsory upon men to perform it in congregation, while women may also perform it or may perform Zuhr salat instead. Salat al-Jumuah consists of a sermon (khutba) given by the speaker (khatib) after which two rakats are performed. There is no Salat al-Jumu'ah without a khutba

iii. Janazah Prayers (Fardh Kifayah) 

Attending Janazah (Funeral prayers) is a Fardh Kifayah.

2. Wajib Prayers

Hanafi consider following as Wajib whereas other Schools consider them as Sunnah Muakkeda:

i. Salat al-Witr

Witr is performed after the salah al- isha'a. Some Muslims consider witr wajib while others consider it optional. It may contain any odd number of raka'ah from one to eleven according to the different schools of jurisprudence. However, witr is most commonly offered in three raka'ah.

ii. Salat al-Eid 

Eid Salah is performed on the morning of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha. It consists of two raka'at with additional takbirat. After the Salah is completed, a sermon (khutbah) is offered. The Eid Salah is offered between sunrise and true noon i.e. between the time periods for Fajr and Zuhr.

3. Sunnah Prayers 

Sun'nah sal'ah are optional and were additional voluntary prayers performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)-they are of two types the Sunnah Mu'akkaddah, those practiced on a regular basis, which if abandoned cause the abandoner to be regarded as sinful by the Hanafi School and the Sunnah Ghair Mu'akkaddah, those practiced on a semi-regular practice by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about which all are agreed that their abandonment doesn't render one sinful. The details have been given in above table.

Salat al-Tarawih

Tarawih can be performed only during the fasting month of Ramadan. This prayer can be performed alone, in a group, at home, or in a mosque or other public place. The total number of raka'ah varies, but with a minimum of eight. Various juristic schools recommend the rakats of tarawih from 8 to 12 to 20 to 36 in numbers. 

4. Nafl Prayers

Nafl salah (supererogatory prayers) are voluntary, and one may offer as many as he or she likes almost any time There are many specific conditions or situations when one may wish to offer nafil prayer.

They cannot be offered as runrise, true noon, or sunset. The prohibition against salah at these times is to prevent the practice of sun Worship.


Spiritual Impacts:

  1. psychological Stability and Peace of Mind
  2. Purification
  3. Greater reward of Congregational Prayers in Hereafter
  4. Check against evil and Indecency

Moral Impacts:

  1. Sensitivity to value of time
  2. Sense of Honour and Independance
  3. Patience and Perseverance
  4. Character-Building

Social Impacts:

  1. Increase social strength, mutual cooperation and consultation.
  2. Political training and Muslim Unity
  3. Congregational Worship acts have significant social meaning
  4. Social Unity
  5. Greater social responsibility

-Thank You-

Note: Comment for any kind of Query or suggestion.

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